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Uncontrollable western teenagers

Why teenagers are behaving more like goons and gangsters in western countries ?

In Eastern countries children are taught moral values and ethics. Parents mind if their children speak foul words. Even strangers can stop publicly if you're swearing on. These countries have joint family system. There is no such government organisation like social service. 

While in western countries this is too much. Children are spoiled since childhood. They learn swearing from their parents and television also from their surroundings. Parents don't raise any objections as it is normal for them accordingly their own mindset. 

I'm not saying or supporting those Eastern parents who torture their children also not supporting Western parents who don't pay attention to their children at all.

If you tighten your child all the time he'll be either timid or rebellion vice versa if you spoil your children and don't regulate and monitor their activities then be ready to live your life in old age home or alone in your own home like an owl.

In Eastern countries they also have society system. People know each other in their villages and cities so children will surely feel shy behaving on their own way rather they'll be behaving politely. They will be scared what if this person complaints to my parents. Parents also don't favour their children when they're in fault. 

In the West it is opposite parents take complaints personally. Governments also meddle unnecessarily on name child safety and protection. In the West there is no society system. Children are not scared of anyone. No pressure at all. Even parents are scared what if social service will come and take the child away. 
The results are clear children (both girls and boys equally) are wandering in streets with knives. You can mess up with a boxer in the street no problem. He'll beat you or threaten but if you're against children gang they won't let you go alive. 
The last thing is the judicial system itself. Children know that they can kill anyone and walk away freely after couple of months or year 2 year social work to do it again. 

That's why children in the East (except those who are forced by family or gang) are never found in shoplifting but in the West they do it with pride. I don't understand what future they're giving their children. 

At last I want to say that children are like a small plant you need intense care and control and of course endless love. Parents need to spend time with children and teach them how to differ from good and bad so they can be responsible citizens in the future. Otherwise your child will wither before shinning. Once the child is gone out of control it means gone forever. 

Children learn from their parents and try to follow them since their birth. So if parents are useless and druggies then what children can expect ? 

That's why I think a good parenting skill is must. We must focus how to work on it whether it is initiated by governments, societies, celebrities, leaders or our idols. Healthy childhood reflects on relative country's health. It will save us from crimes and countless headaches. 

I hope made it clear still if readers think I wrote something wrong let me know, please so that I can improve myself and also correct in the article. Thanks a lot for your support, love and time. 


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